Guar Meal

Guar Meal
Processed Guar Meal (Fodder) is a high protein animal and poultry feed stuff. It is processed by roasting at very high temperature to nullify natural inhibitor. Hence it enhancing the entire nutritive value & digesting capabiities.
Guar Meal Fodder has found to be very rich proteins & carbs, also has 100% natural agro product without any sort of added chemicals or any sort of preservatives. Processed guar meal is also utilized as or in addition with feed stuffs or individually, since it’s a complete nutritional cattle/poultry feed and non GMO product.
Guar meal is by product while manufacturing guar gum splits.
Husk of guar seed is known as a guar churi. It has powder form and contains 35% protein (O+A). Germ of guar seed is known as a guar kurma. It has crystal form and contains 50% protein (O+A)
It is widely used as partial substitute of soya beans meal.
Guar meal fodder also benefits in the process to normalize cholesterol levels & blood sugar, but when it’s about consuming guar meal fodder then caution points has to be considered. It has been observed in recent times that many weight- loss supplements & manufacturers for diet pills & capsules also have claimed heavily to help your cravings by targeting the digestive system & absorbing water.
Guar meal (fodder) is beneficial in multiple ways to be healthy like in diabetics, pre-diabetics & also high cholesterol . It is highly water soluble and also high in high fibre. Guar meal (fodder) has been giving amazing results with slowing down glucose.
Guar Meal is husk and germ of guar seeds and both are used in cattle feed.